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For cPanel version 11.28


  • Email Accounts — Here, you can find information about adding and managing email accounts.


  • Webmail — Webmail allows you to access you email through a web browser.
    • Troubleshooting Webmail — This document provides some information about resolving common issues with webmail.


  • BoxTrapper — The BoxTrapper feature allows you to block unwanted email. You can learn more about how to use and configure it here.



  • Forwarders — Forwarders allow you to forward incoming email from one address to another.


  • Auto Responders — AutoResponders allow you to send a message in response to incoming email automatically.


  • Default Address — Default addresses catch misdirected email sent to your domain.


  • Mailing Lists — Mailing lists allow you to send an email message to multiple addresses by specifying a single address.


  • User Level Filtering — User level filters allow you to create mail filters for a specific address.


  • Account Level Filtering — Account level filters allow you to create mail filters for your domain's main email account.


  • Email Delivery Route — This feature allows you to see the path an email takes from your domain.


  • Import Addresses/Forwarders — This feature lets you create multiple email accounts, or forwarders, at once by uploading a list of usernames.


  • Email Authentication — This set of features allows you to make your mail server more secure.


  • MX Entry — You can learn about adding and manging MX entries here.


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